Post SAR challenges - a local case study
Mon, 17 February 2025 at 12:00 PM
Post SAR challenges - a local case study
Monday 17th February 2025 at 12.00PM at Les Cotils
The Tucker Loero case highlights the challenges to financial services businesses post filing of a Suspicious Activity Report.
This presentation will discuss these challenges and, ultimately, the legal proceedings leading to the judgement enabling funds to be paid. Advocate Bryan DeVerneuil-Smith and Chloe Gill of Ogier, who acted for Dr Tucker Loero, and Mark Le Page, who provided expert witness to the Court, will take attendees through this process and lessons learned.
Mark is a management consultant who advises on regulation, governance and strategy, with a specialism in cryptocurrencies. He has previously led consulting/advisory functions in Guernsey for a Big 4 firm, where he was part of a team doing internal thought leadership work on blockchain and sustainability, and another international firm, where he co-led a workstream rectifying monitoring on an international cryptocurrency exchange. He sits on several ACCA Global technical committees and is on the Appeals Committee for TISE. Prior to this he was a Deputy Director at the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. He is currently finishing a Global Executive Ph.D in cryptocurrencies, having been published twice, and is a member of the Rewley Circle, Said Business School, University of Oxford.
Bryan De Verneuil-Smith is a Partner in the Dispute Resolution team at Ogier in Guernsey, joining the firm in 2019. Bryan was called as a Guernsey advocate in 2016. He has extensive experience in handling complex commercial disputes and specialises in contentious trusts, insolvency and regulatory matters. He has successfully represented client sin several high-profile cases including being a part of the team which successfully defended the executive directors of Carlyle Capital Corporation.
Chloe Gill is an Associate in the Dispute Resolution team at Ogier in Guernsey further to qualifying from Ogier's trainee programme in 2022. Chloe is a member of the Guernsey International Legal Association and International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation. She has experience in handling commercial disputes including regulatory proceeds of crime cases and has contributed to several legal publications.
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